Bindi and Graham

Speciality:Saltwater Crocodiles

Favourite Location: Australia Zoo

Bindi Graham

Classed as problem crocs in the wild, Bindi and Graham were both rescued by the iconic Steve Irwin and the Australia Zoo Crew in the 1980s to avoid their destruction.

Steve Irwin loved Bindi so much that he named his daughter after her. Bindi is known for her having a lot of attitude and personality. She doesn’t stand for rubbish from anyone. Bindi spends her days enjoying her pond and soaking up the sun’s rays with her boyfriend, Graham. Keepers regard Bindi as one of the best mothers amongst the zoo crocodiles. 

Graham is a huge, male crocodile measuring 13 feet long and weighing over 350 kilograms! He is the only crocodile at Australia Zoo that has managed to bite the bosses. When he was younger, he took a hold of Steve’s hand and later, he took a swipe at the Zoo Director, Wes. During some floods when Wes was cleaning out Graham’s home to avoid storm damage, he managed to grab Wes’ backside, leaving him with a permanent reminder not to mess with him.