Arriving at the Clinic

SALTIE has its own relaxed and inviting feel.

Step inside the premises and you’ll see how it reflects a social and environmental conscience. We’ll greet you by name and with a fresh brewed coffee to enjoy in the outdoor waiting space or whilst you explore the SALTIE Garden. You’ll find lots of special touches to make visiting a mental health professional a pleasant, natural part of staying healthy.

Meet our people and you’ll experience the respectful attitudes upheld towards clients, each other and the local community. Engage a practitioner and you’ll benefit from a unique breadth of experience, insightful counsel plus a broad mix of practical strategies and tactics.

Arriving at the Clinic

Coming to the clinic for the first time?

Want to check the clinic out before committing to an appointment?

Watch our video to experience a virtual arrival at SALTIE

Watch our video to experience a virtual arrival at SALTIE