Urban Agriculture

Nature is a powerful contributor to positive mental health, with good research backing this up. 

SALTIE have been examining this area for some time, with one of our team completing a thesis on the topic. We are now so convinced by the literature that we’ve decided it’s time to put it into practice.

In late 2020, SALTIE established an Urban Agricultural system at its clinic. Utilising wicking bed technology, we installed over 20m2 of productive growing space. We think we might be one of the first mental health clinics in Melbourne using Urban Agriculture as a mental health tool.

Connecting to the earth, moving your body in rhythmical and repetitive ways and slowing down enough to be mindfully engaged in the fundamentals of life are all part of the experience. Our garden is such a welcoming inclusive place to be; as a client of SALTIE we welcome you to this organic experience of health.

Your practitioner will connect you to this innovative mental health project in meaningful, satisfying and productive ways.  

Check back in with us soon to see photos of our recent planting and harvest.