Airstream Mental Health Arts Studio

Meet Sylvia.

Born in the Summer of ’69, Syliva is a SALTIE’s beautiful and rare vintage Airstream Overlander. Having spent her earlier years in the US, SALTIE relocated her from Daylesford where she’d been chilling in the meadows. SALTIE have rehomed and repurposed Sylvia as an Airstream Mental Health Art Studio.

SALTIE supports mental health recovery through the expressive arts, including pottery, paint, drawing and knitting. These artistic endeavours involve our hands in rhythmical and repetitive movements, which assist in regulating emotional experience. This can help when working through uncomfortable things in therapy. It can also be less confronting to work literally side by side with your therapist rather than in the direct face to face format of traditional talk therapy. 

The retro camp-side feel to Sylvia ignites something in people. Set amongst our Urban Agriculture gardens, the Airstream Mental Health Arts Studio promotes growth, creativity and healing on your mental health journey. People of all artistic abilities can participate in our innovative arts program. 

We know of no other mental health clinic with an Airstream Mental Health Art Studio. We invite you to be part of this unique offering at SALTIE.